Why do People Get Breast Implants? And What are the Risks Associated with it?
Breast implants are one of the most popular types of plastic surgery prostheses that are used for breast reconstruction or augmentation. In this surgery, the implants are mainly placed under the breast tissue or chest muscles. Breast implants are silicone shells that are filled either with silicone gel or sterile salt water.

Nowadays, people, especially women are paying more attention to their appearance. Due to the increasing incidences of breast cancer, many women are losing their confidence and struggling to boost their self-image. Breast implants are becoming one of the most popular methods that can help women to regain their beauty. Breast implants are mostly done in two cases when women want to rebuild breasts after surgery or injury, which is commonly known as breast reconstruction and the other one is when want to get a uniform size, shape, and firmness, which is known as breast augmentation. So, breast implants are artificial devices that can be surgically inserted into the breasts. Generally, there are two types of breast implants one is silicone breast implants and another is saline breast implants.
With the increasing awareness among women toward breast augmentation and reconstruction procedures, the global breast implant market is predicted to witness prominent growth during the estimated timeframe. The market is anticipated to generate a revenue of $4,453.0 million and grow at a CAGR of 9.2% throughout the estimated timeframe from 2022 to 2031. The major players of the market include GC Aesthetics, Allergan, Mentor Worldwide LLC., Sebbin, and many more.
What are the Reasons that Make People Opt for Breast Implants?
There exists a lot of reasons why people are willing to get breast implants. Some of them are discussed below:
- Restoring Breast After Mastectomy: In cases where women have to remove their breasts because of cancer or any other serious health condition, breast implants can be a helpful procedure for them. It can help them restore feminine features and make them feel complete.
- Affirming Your Gender: Some women are struggling to gain appropriate-size breasts. In such cases, breast implants can make them accurately express their identity.
- Restoring a Previous Breast Size: Many women face problems in reducing the size of their breasts after pregnancy, during the weight loss process, or aging. In that case, breast implants help them in decreasing breast size and make them feel young.
- Boosting Confidence: Breast implants play a major role in enhancing the self-esteem and body image of women.
What are the Risks Associated with Breast Implants?
Breast augmentation or reconstruction poses various risks which are discussed below:
- Breast pain
- Implant leakage or rupture
- Scar tissues that distort the shape of the breast implant. This condition is called capsular contracture.
- Changes in nipple and breast sensation
- Infection
- Change in Implant’s position
What are the Major Reasons for Breast Implant Removal?
There exist several different complications that can affect how long breast implants last and when people need to replace the implants. The key reasons for breast implants reasons are listed below:
- Silicone Rupture: A silicone breast implant rupture is a bit different. As a thick silicone gel often stays within the implant and surrounding tissues and even in the event of an implant rupture, it becomes difficult to identify when a silicone implant ruptures. The common symptoms of silicone rupture include reduced breast size, changes in breast sensation such as swelling, burning, tingling, or numbness, and uneven appearance.
- Breast Hardening: This mainly occurs when scar tissue hardens around one or both implants. This scar tissue can cause pain, tightness in breasts, and changes in breast size and shape.
- Saline Implant Rupture: When a saline implant ruptures, it deflates like a balloon. It happens when there is a hole or tears in the implant and harmlessly absorbed by the surrounding tissue. When the saline leaks, the breast loses its shape and size and eventually looks dramatically different than the other breast. In such cases breast implant removal is necessary.
Which Type of Breast Implant Feels the Most Natural?
Currently, breast augmentation and breast implants are making an incredible amount of progress to yield natural-feeling results. According to studies on successful implant rates it can be said that silicone breast implants tend to feel more natural than saline breast implants. However, both types of implants have proximity in delivering a natural feel depending on the size of the breast before surgery and the position of their placement.

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