Increase in liver failure cases, lesser donor count
Over the years, the technology has advanced to the level that the liver can now be stored in a human like environment which adds to the longevity of the harvested liver. This makes the liver transplantation an extremely effective treatment for a various chronic and acute liver diseases. Researchers are working to make the process of transplantation from the donor to the recipient, a better and smoother journey.

This technology supports to monitoring organ such as heart, liver, lung coupled with ensure transplant team can preserve organ in the optimal condition. This device simulates human physiology along with this device allows organs to functions as they normally do. Typically, when a liver is recovered for transplant, it is placed in a cold or warm storage container and preserved in a solution for transport to the receiving hospital. Liver can survive outside the human body for 12 to 15 hours. Considering the geographical factor, liver can travel farther than hearts and lungs.
In the overwhelming number of cases, there are still risks while carefully handling these organs ready to be warmed and brought back to life. There are times when a transplanted liver goes through a period of “shock” when coming back to its functional state. This can cause instability in recipient’s blood pressure or heart and rate reactions within the transplanted liver. Since decades, an insulated container was used to place a donor liver which was a cooler quite literally while being transported over relatively short distances within regions, and thus ensuring their preservation.
With the increase in the number of liver failures, the government is getting highly involved in planning awareness camps regarding organ donation. The growing awareness among liver patients is further anticipated to increase the demand for organ care systems in the coming years. Conventional cold preservation involves storage of the liver at 4°C and aims to minimize liver degradation. The metra recreates a near physiological environment as the donor liver is continuously perfused at normal body temperature.
The liver remains functional during preservation, producing bile, maintaining pH, and metabolizing glucose, allowing the impartial assessment of organ performance prior to transplant. While onboard blood gas analysis, the metra automatically controls and measures blood gases in the perfusate deprived of user intervention.Increasing incidences of end stage liver failure around the globe due to rising heavy alcohol consumption, growing prevalence of obesity and the metabolic syndrome are some of the major factors which can upsurge the growth of global organ care system for liver.
According to the European Association for the Study of Liver, Cirrhosis is the 11th most common reason of death around the world along with liver cancer is the 16th leading reason of death. In addition, encouragement of Collaboration programs between and health care and transplantation centers along with constant increase in donation after circulatory death (DCD) can drive the global market. Liver can survive outside the human body for 12 to 15 hours. Considering the geographical factor, liver can travel farther than hearts and lungs.Shortage of human donors, high degree of risk and uncertainty, cultural prohibition against deceased donor donation are some factors that can hamper the growth of market.
As per the OPTN data reports published in July 2019, around 11.6% liver disease patients are waiting for the liver transplantation.Some of the top players functioning in the global organ care system market for the liver are TransMedics, XVIVO Perfusion AB, Bridge to Life ltd., Paragonix Technologies Inc., Organ Assist B.V., Preservation Solution Inc., Water Medical System LLC, OrganOx Limited., and Preservation Solution Inc. The market players are using several strategies such as adopting new approaches, new product development, investing in R&D activities, mergers & acquisitions, and regional expansions to obtain a strong position in the market. Recently MyCartis collaborated with XVIVO to develop a fast diagnostic test that can check the quality of donated organs.

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