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Carbon Capture Utilization Storage Market Service (Capture, Transportation, Utilization, and Storage), Technology (Pre-Combustion Capture, Oxy-Fuel Combustion Capture, and Post-Combustion Capture), End-Use Industry (Oil & Gas, Power Generation, Iron & Steel, Chemical & Petrochemical, Cement, and Others), and Region (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and LAMEA): Opportunity Analysis and Industry Forecast, 2023-2032


Pages: 310

Sep 2023

Carbon Capture Utilization Storage Overview

The term "Carbon Capture Utilization Storage (CCUS)” market designates the sector of the economy and the activities involved in deploying and commercializing technology designed to capture, use, and store carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from diverse sources. By capturing greenhouse gas emissions, particularly CO2 before they are released into the atmosphere, CCUS technologies aim to reduce their harmful effects on the environment. Carbon dioxide is extracted directly from the air or industrial facilities, power plants, or other sources in the CCUS process. As a result, the captured CO2 can be used in a variety of ways, such as in enhanced oil recovery, where it is injected into oil reservoirs to increase oil output, or in the synthesis of chemicals and fuels.

Due to its potential to drastically reduce CO2 emissions, the CCUS market has grown in importance and attention over the past few years. Governments, businesses, and investors are beginning to understand how crucial CCUS technologies are for attaining climate targets and implementing the transition to a low-carbon economy. Many different market participants are working to scale up and commercialize CCUS solutions, including technology developers, service providers, project developers, policymakers, and investors. The development and performance of the CCUS industry is dependent on several variables, including favorable regulatory environments, technology breakthroughs, cost savings, and public awareness. The CCUS market is anticipated to grow rapidly as decarbonization activities are given priority by governments and organizations around the world, resulting in new business opportunities, jobs, and assistance with the global transition.

Global Carbon Capture Utilization Storage Market Analysis

The global Carbon Capture Utilization Storage market size was $xx million in 2022 and is predicted to grow at a CAGR of xx%, by generating a revenue of $xx million by 2032.

COVID-19 Impact on Global Carbon Capture Utilization Storage Market

The Carbon Capture Utilization Storage (CCUS) market is not an exception to how the COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted other areas of the world economy. By capturing carbon dioxide (CO2) from atmosphere or industrial operations and storing or using it for a variety of purposes, CCUS technologies aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The pandemic's immediate effects on the CCUS business included a decline in project development and investment. Project approval and funding choices were delayed as a result of the pandemic's uncertainty and the global economic crisis. Many businesses and governments redirected their attention and money away from CCUS in favor of solving the urgent health and economic concerns brought on by the pandemic.

The pandemic also interfered with international supply chains and building projects, which delayed the timely completion of CCUS projects. International travel restrictions and personnel restrictions enforced to stop the virus's spread led to labor shortages and project delays. Additionally, as both sectors are significant prospective users of CCUS technologies, the decline in oil and gas prices owing to lower demand during the pandemic further hampered the financial sustainability of CCUS projects. However, the pandemic also made it clear how crucial it is to combat climate change and cut greenhouse gas emissions. The public's awareness of the connections between environmental sustainability, economic resiliency, and public health has grown along with that of corporations, governments, and the public. This increased interest in CCUS technologies as a potential means of reducing climate change.

Growing Demand for Remote Collaboration to Drive the Market Growth

Due to the rising demand for remote collaboration, the market for Carbon Capture Utilization Storage (CCUS) is expected to experience substantial expansion. The COVID-19 pandemic compelled businesses across the world to embrace remote work practices and thus increased the importance of remote collaboration. CCUS methods involve storing or using carbon dioxide emissions in various ways after capturing them from diverse sources, such as power plants and industrial sites. Researchers, engineers, legislators, and business professionals must work together to develop these technologies. In the past, involvement in CCUS projects required time-consuming and expensive in-person meetings, site visits, and substantial travel. The way CCUS projects are carried out has been completely transformed by the rise of remote collaboration tools and technologies. Stakeholders from various regions can now interact and collaborate easily thanks to virtual meetings, video conferences, and collaboration tools. Due to the capacity to collaborate remotely, there is no longer a need for lengthy travel or in-person meetings, which saves time and money. The adoption of remote cooperation in CCUS projects has been propelled even further by the COVID-19 pandemic. Organizations have had to discover different means to carry out their business as a result of travel limitations and social isolation policies. With the advent of remote collaboration, teams may now communicate, share information, learn from one another, and advance CCUS projects even when they are not physically there. The market is anticipated to expand as a result of the rising need for remote cooperation in CCUS projects. Due to the ability of specialists to remotely work on projects without the need for lengthy travel, it facilitates more effective and economical project execution. The market will expand as a result of the rising demand for remote cooperation in CCUS projects. Organizations may overcome geographic obstacles, improve productivity, cut costs, and foster worldwide collaboration by utilizing virtual tools and technology, which will ultimately advance the creation and use of carbon capture, utilization, and storage systems.

Security Concerns to Restrain the Market Growth

Due to its potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate change, the market for carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) has been expanding, but several security issues could impede its expansion. These worries, which cover both physical and cybersecurity hazards, are mainly focused on the storage and use of CO2 that has been captured. The secure storage of captured CO2 is one significant security issue. In CCUS, CO2 is often stored underground in geological formations like saline aquifers or exhausted oil and gas reserves. There remains a chance of leakage even though these storage locations were carefully chosen and designed to assure containment. If CO2 were to escape from storage, there would be serious dangers to both the environment and human health. Security issues are raised and the wider deployment of CCUS technology may be hampered by the potential for unintentional releases or the integrity of storage infrastructure being compromised as a result of calamities or human mistakes.


Transporting seized CO2 raises yet another security issue. From the emission sources to the storage locations and utilization facilities, CO2 must be transferred, frequently via pipelines or other modes of transportation. These transport systems could be exposed to physical assaults, intentional sabotage, or accidents, which could leak CO2 and cause damage to neighboring ecosystems or communities. To avoid any accidents that could erode public faith in CCUS, it is essential to ensure the security of the infrastructure for the transportation of CO2. While CCUS has a great deal of promise to reduce climate change, addressing security issues is essential to ensuring its long-term viability. Stakeholders should increase their efforts in the security and safety of CCUS technology, encourage their widespread implementation, and help international efforts to cut carbon emissions by successfully resolving these worries.

Advancements in Technology to Drive Excellent Opportunities

Technology advancements have greatly influenced the good potential of the Carbon Capture Utilization Storage (CCUS) industry. CCUS has emerged as a promising method to cut greenhouse gas emissions from industrial operations and electricity generation as the need to tackle climate change becomes more urgent. The creation of more efficient and economical carbon capture methods is one of the major technological developments in CCUS. Traditional carbon capture techniques were costly to implement and frequently required large energy inputs. But thanks to recent developments, new capture methods have emerged that are not only more effective but also commercially viable. Examples include solvent-based absorption, membrane separation, and solid sorbent capture. These developments have created new opportunities for the widespread use of carbon capture technologies. Utilizing collected carbon dioxide (CO2) is another field that has made considerable advancements. Finding useful applications for this greenhouse gas is becoming more important than merely burying the CO2 that has been gathered. Technologies for using CO2 have advanced, making it possible to turn captured CO2 into useful items like chemicals, construction materials, and even fuels. This not only contributes to lowering CO2 emissions but also develops a new market for goods containing carbon, spurring economic expansion and job prospects. Long-term CO2 storage is now more feasible and safe because of advancements in carbon storage technologies. Techniques for "enhanced oil recovery" (EOR), which entail injecting CO2 into exhausted oil reservoirs, have shown to be effective at increasing oil output and permanently burying CO2. Technological developments have opened up various opportunities for Carbon Capture Utilization Storage. These technical advancements offer a viable path towards attaining the global emissions reduction targets, from more effective capture systems to the use of captured CO2 and improved storage strategies. We can build a sustainable future while tackling the problems caused by climate change by utilizing these achievements and encouraging creativity.

Global Carbon Capture Utilization Storage Market Share, by Service, 2022

The capture sub-segment accounted for the highest market share in 2022. The capture phase of Carbon Capture Utilization Storage (CCUS) is crucial for lowering greenhouse gas emissions and addressing climate change. The goal of this section is to prevent atmospheric emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) from industrial operations, power plants, and other sources. The capture section uses a variety of technologies to capture CO2, including oxy-fuel combustion, post-combustion capture, and pre-combustion capture. Pre-combustion capture involves the reaction of oxygen and carbon-containing fuels to create a combination of CO2 and hydrogen (H2) that may be separated and stored. After the combustion process, CO2 is removed from flue gases using solvents or membranes in post-combustion capture. Oxy-fuel combustion burns fuel in only pure oxygen, producing a stream of flue gas mostly made of carbon dioxide (CO2). The capture section faces several difficulties, including high costs, energy needs, and the demand for substantial infrastructure. However, ongoing R&D initiatives are concentrated on enhancing capturing technologies, lowering costs, and optimizing the entire CCUS procedure. A more sustainable and low-carbon future can be achieved by decarbonizing industry and power generation by efficiently absorbing CO2 emissions through the capture sector.



Global Communication Carbon Capture Utilization Storage Market Share, by Technology, 2022.


The pre-combustion capture sub-segment accounted for the highest market share in 2022. A crucial step in the Carbon Capture Utilization Storage (CCUS) procedure is pre-combustion capture. The goal of CCUS is to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) released into the atmosphere by capturing it during industrial processes or the production of electricity and storing it underground or using it for other purposes. Prior to CO2 being released into the atmosphere during combustion, it is the goal of the pre-combustion capture section to capture it. This sector often works in industrial settings or power plants that use coal or natural gas as a fuel source. There are various steps in the pre-combustion capture procedure. First, fossil fuel is transformed into syngas, a mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide. Gasification, a process that includes combining the fuel with oxygen and steam at high temperatures, is used to achieve this conversion. When syngas is created, it goes through a shift reaction in which CO is combined with steam to create more H2 and carbon dioxide. This process is required to raise the syngas' hydrogen content and improve its composition in preparation for subsequent capture. To reduce the carbon footprint of industrial facilities and fossil fuel-based power plants and to aid in the worldwide effort to battle climate change, the pre-combustion capture phase is essential to the CCUS process.

Global Carbon Capture Utilization Storage Market Share, by End-Use Industry, 2022


The oil & gas sub-segment accounted for the highest market share in 2022. The development and application of Carbon Capture Utilization Storage (CCUS) technologies depend heavily on the oil and gas industry. CCUS can be used in the oil and gas sector at several points throughout the value chain, including upstream, midstream, and downstream operations. CCUS can be used to capture CO2 emissions from oil and gas production processes in the upstream industry. To do this, CO2 that is emitted during the extraction of fossil fuels or from natural gas-processing facilitiesis captured. Pipelines or ships can be used to carry the captured CO2 to appropriate storage locations. The participation of the oil and gas sector in CCUS can be profitable. It enables businesses to make the most of their current resources and competencies to generate new income streams and business prospects. Additionally, the industry may show its commitment to environmental sustainability and achieve climate-related requirements and targets by developing and implementing CCUS solutions. In conclusion, the development of CCUS technologies is significantly aided by the oil and gas industry. Oil and gas firms can aid in lowering CO2 emissions and promote the shift to a more sustainable energy future by incorporating CCUS into their operations.


Global Carbon Capture Utilization Storage Market Share, by Region, 2022


The North American Carbon Capture Utilization Storage market generated the highest revenue in 2022. The Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage (CCUS) industry has seen substantial growth and interest in North America. In CCUS, carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from industrial activities are caught, used for a variety of applications, and then stored underground to prevent atmospheric release. Numerous nations in North America, notably the United States and Canada, have taken action to promote CCUS as a workable alternative after realizing the value of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. To lessen the carbon footprint of many industries, both public and private organizations have made investments in the research and development of CCUS technologies. In terms of CCUS deployment, the US has been extremely active, with numerous projects running all over the nation. Financial incentives have been offered for the development and deployment of CCUS facilities through programs like the 45Q tax credit. The Department of Energy has also financed research and development projects to improve CCUS technology and encourage its implementation in manufacturing, power generation, and other industries. Canada has made great advancements in CCUS and is renowned for its abundant natural resources and heavy-emitting sectors. Recognizing the potential of CCUS technology to cut emissions from sectors like oil sand production and natural gas processing, the Canadian government has put rules and regulations in place to promote the use of these technologies. The urgency of addressing climate change and cutting greenhouse gas emissions is what motivates the North American region countries to join CCUS initiatives. North America wants to invest in CCUS technologies to reduce emissions significantly while promoting economic development and energy security. The region's efforts in CCUS provide important insights and lessons for other parts of the world as well as aid in the worldwide transition to a low-carbon future.

Competitive Scenario in the Global Carbon Capture Utilization Storage Market

Investment and agreement are common strategies followed by major market players. Some of the leading Carbon Capture Utilization Storage market players are Royal Dutch Shell PLC, Fluor Corporation, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd., Linde Plc, Exxon Mobil Corporation, JGC Holdings Corporation, Schlumberger Limited, Aker Solutions, Honeywell International Inc., Halliburton.



Historical Market Estimations


Base Year for Market Estimation


Forecast Timeline for Market Projection


Geographical Scope

North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and LAMEA

Segmentation by Service

  • Capture
  • Transportation
  • Utilization
  • Storage

Segmentation by Technology

  • Pre-Combustion Capture
  • Oxy-Fuel Combustion Capture
  • Post-Combustion Capture


Segmentation by End User



  • Oil & Gas
  • Power Generation
  • Iron & Steel
  • Chemical & Petrochemical
  • Cement
  • Others

Key Companies Profiled

  • Royal Dutch Shell PLC
  • Fluor Corporation
  • Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.
  • Linde Plc
  • Exxon Mobil Corporation
  • JGC Holdings Corporation
  • Schlumberger Limited
  • Aker Solutions
  • Honeywell International Inc.
  • Halliburton


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Carbon Capture Utilization Storage Market



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